華道家 新保逍滄



次回の和:メルボルン生け花フェスティバルは2020年9月19&20日開催予定です。間もなく出展者募集を開始します。 https://waikebana.blogspot.com/

Wa 2019 was a great success. Thank you all for your hard work. Shoso’s thank you message at the opening: https://www.shoso.com.au/2019/09/shosos-speech-at-opening-of-wa-2019.html

Some of comments we received:

“Thank you for the immense amount of organization on the part of yourself and the committee to make the Ikebana Festival such a successful event. I feel fortunate to have found your school and such a talented and dedicated group of artists to work with. I look forward to the 2020 Festival”


“Thanks for the great team effort during the weekend. Well done everyone. “

“ I’m writing to thank you for organising such a lovely concert last night. I hope you were happy with the outcome. It certainly was a great experience for all who attended.”

“I am pleased that the Wa Festival was successful. I do know what a huge amount of work goes into such an event.”

Shoso Shimbo


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